Installed Merchandise Policy
Floorz supplies plus LLC Installed Merchandise Policy
IMPORTANT: Inspection and Verification
Please take the time to thoroughly inspect all merchandise at the time of pickup. It is your responsibility to meticulously examine and confirm the following details before leaving the store:
- Type of merchandise purchased
- Quantity
- Dimensions
- Model number
- Color
- Dye lots (for porcelain and ceramic products)
- Verification of all labels on wood products to ensure accuracy
Please be aware that some product descriptions may provide nominal sizes rather than actual sizes. It is essential to perform this inspection to avoid any discrepancies or issues.
Responsibility for Installation and Claims
Floorz supplies plus LLC places a significant emphasis on customer responsibility regarding installation and claims:
- Faulty Installation: Floorz supplies plus LLC is not accountable for any loss or claims arising from faulty installation. It is imperative that customers validate the credentials, references, insurance, and certification of installers before commencing any installation work.
- Product Damage or Shortages: Claims related to product damage or shortages must be made immediately upon receipt of the product. We strongly recommend a thorough inspection and measurement of all products before installation, as the act of using the products implies acceptance.
Installed Flooring Non-Returnable
Once flooring products have been installed, they are considered non-returnable. Regardless of the circumstances, installed flooring cannot be exchanged or returned. Please ensure that you are entirely satisfied with your choice and that all necessary inspections are conducted before installation.